Friday, November 19, 2004


It is well known that where there is no love there can rarely be

courage, and I would request you here not to confuse courage with sheer
bravado or the front-line necessity to kill. Similarly, where there is no
love, there can be no faith, charity or chastity and, therefore,
existence devoid of love is an empty existence. Love must grow and embrace more
and more within its orbit of expression. Love for one's wife must
enlarge into a deep love for the family resulting from such love. Familial
love must grow to include neighbours.

Thus, slowly, as love matures, it must widen in scope until ultimately
it envelops the entire universe within its sublime embrace. My Master
has said that the only way of approaching the Ultimate is through love.

Source: P. Rajagopalachari, Chapter "The Inner Needs of Man," The
Principles of Sahaj Marg, Set 1, Vol. 1, p. 29.