Monday, March 07, 2005


Culture is an emanation of human refinement. Morality is the
actualization of a human being's moral standards of existence.

We do not follow morality. Morality comes out of our living, out of our
behavior; out of the way we handle our environment. So to look upon
morality as a body of do's and do not's, rules, and then to be plagued by
the sense of guilt that I have done something which a body of knowledge
says, "Thou shalt not do," is stupid.

There is morality because there were people who lived in that way. And
we look at their lives and say, "This is worth emulation, this is the
standard, the ideal of perfection that I should follow." What did they
do? We codify it and a body of morals, a body of teaching, emerges out
of their existence.

Taken from the book " What is Sahaj Marg" Chapter "The Master, the
Mission, and the Method",pg 19 -by Chariji.