Saturday, February 26, 2005


As a matter of fact a man can keep himself busy with divine thoughts
every moment without offering any hindrance to his worldly activities. If
one practises it so as to form his habit it becomes so easy and natural
with him that he would not like to part with it even for a moment.

I give you all a very helpful hint. Before taking up a certain work,
think of Him for a while in the sense that He himself is doing it. It is
the simplest method and I should like you all to follow it in right

Taken from the book-" Complete Works of Ram Chandra Vol.2", chapter
"Afflictions", pg 34 -- by Babuji.

Thursday, February 24, 2005


If you are suffering when somebody refuses you something it is perhaps because you have the tendency to refuse others what you should not refuse. If you want to stop suffering from this, try to give what you refuse to give. It is a way to solve this problem, and don't forget that what you give to others you give to yourself. So be clever, do the first step (of trying to give).

Taken from the book 'The Spider's Web, Vol I ', chapter 'Hope-The Foundation of Change', pg.94-by Chariji.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005


Diverse means are adopted for the purpose of gaining the object of life. They may be correct if the heart is connected with it in the real sense, so as to be absorbed in the essence of real life. We are bred to have union with Reality, which we have emerged from. We have brought with us the very essence of Infinity and we should try to keep close to it, in order to give freedom to our thought for absorption in the Infinite.

If we neglect it we remain bound to activity of thought, and not to the Reality at the root which is limitless. The hymns and prayers offered generally result in flattery when one is dumb to the real spirit of the essential character.

Taken from the book-' Complete Works of Ram Chandra Vol.2', chapter 'Easiest Way to God Realization', pg 214 --by Babuji."

Monday, February 21, 2005


We don't think of God in that sense of, you know, anthropomorphic God, who hears, and who waves his hand and blesses and things like that. We believe that all that we experience, we undergo, is our own creation - Action and Reaction. And if simultaneously with prayer, I am able to do something to change what I have created myself, everything changes; and I think my prayer has been answered, whereas, it is my work upon myself that is having the effect.

So, God is neither the giver, nor the destroyer, nor the punisher, you see. It is us who punish ourselves, reward ourselves, make ourselves suffer and once this is understood, in a sense, the God to whom we have to pray is right here - in ourselves - you see. Therefore, we start meditation.

Taken from the Video Tape' Being There'-by Chariji."

Friday, February 18, 2005


Mahatma Gandhi is said to have once remarked, 'The way to freedom lies through jail!' If we take this world to be a prison-house, the above saying fits in quite appropriately in the spiritual sense also. In utter despair people often wish for an end to life. But in my opinion it shall be far better under such circumstances to pray to God to bestow a life, which might be parallel to death.

Taken from the book-' Complete Works of Ram Chandra Vol.2', chapter 'Afflictions', pg 28 -- by Babuji.

Thursday, February 17, 2005


Evolution is the force of love pushing something, into the infinite.
Like the power of a river which propels all the water in it towards the ocean into which it must merge. It brooks no interference. It cannot. It has to obey that law that it must ultimately merge in the ocean from which it has come, you see. If it doesn't it is a lake, a pond; and one day, like the Dead Sea, it will also stink.

Anything, which ceases to move, dies. And if the spirit, if the soul is not in movement continuously, without rest, it will-in the only way we can express it-die.

Taken from the book "Love"(extract from "A Preceptor's Guide, Vol2"),
pg 408-by Chariji.


The word 'ego' is said to have been abused by all the present and past writers. The ego gives you strength for all the work. It points out to you that you have got the power to do a certain thing. But we identify ego with the body, instead of with the soul. It is the production of God, which you cannot annihilate. You should modify it.

Suppose a man has got an immense fortune and he is proud of that He commits no sin because it does not do harm to anybody. What happens, as a result of it is that the wisdom of the man becomes blunt.

Taken from the book "Complete Works of Ram Chandra Vol .3", pg 35, --by

Friday, February 04, 2005


Thank God that Master has also stated that the only eternal thing in the Universe is change! This inevitability of change is the foundation for all hope! In what lies our hope? How does hope exist at all? Can there be hope without the intuitive understanding of the inevitability of change?

Taken from the book 'The Spider's Web, Vol I ', chapter 'Hope-The Foundation of Change', pg. 87-by Chariji. "